Care migration: cause or symptom?

Towards a scarcity of care? Tensions and contradictions in transnational elderly care systems in central and eastern Europe It is the title of the book issued by Friedrich-Ebert-StiftungBudapest. Our co-founder Kinga has contributed to the volume. Read the full article here. Quote from the book: “Hopefully this initiative is an effective step towards a large-scaleContinue reading “Care migration: cause or symptom?”

Wometamorphosis / Turning points in women’s life

Are you: at a crossroads? starting the next phase of life? facing new challenges? feeling stuck in your life? lost in what your real desire is? Through life we navigate different transition periods. Some of them feel nice and are nourishing, other changes bring uncertainty, losses and pain. Some are universal phases of a woman’sContinue reading “Wometamorphosis / Turning points in women’s life”

Embracing and cultivating Midlife Change and the opportunities it brings /workshop in Malta, 27-29 April, 2018/

Keywords: active, energetic, proactive, co-inspiration, connection, awareness, Midlife Change, connecting with Nature, inner power, consciousness, female life-cycles, Beauty of Cycles, humour We all know the term: “midlife crisis”. Is it a must? Does it really have to happen? Or is it just a wrong approach? We, at Conscious Ageing, believe in Midlife Change. Going throughContinue reading “Embracing and cultivating Midlife Change and the opportunities it brings /workshop in Malta, 27-29 April, 2018/”

Purple economy and care crisis

“[Brussels, 25 January 2018] This paper argues for a Purple economy focusing on care at the heart of sustainable development. Written on behalf of EWL, by Anna Sofia Fernandes from the EWL Portuguese coordination, the paper sets forth a vision for an economic model that places care as its backbone. Investing in care is part of a forwardContinue reading “Purple economy and care crisis”

Silver economy

“Around the world, people are ageing. The phenomenon is more marked in the developed world. In Europe and focusing on The Netherlands specifically, the average age of the population has gone from 71 in 1960, to around 81 in 2014. This trend has been seen in many countries around the world and has led toContinue reading “Silver economy”