How to support mental health with (social) permaculture (online event)

We are currently facing turbulent times marked by numerous crises, including those related to care, climate, housing, ecology, and mental health.

Technology: blessing or curse? 1 question, 5 opinions!

As part of our DigInclude project, we have initiated exciting club discussions, which have now become quite a tradition. Our first discussion was an introduction to the digital society, Artificial Intelligence and the changing world, with the help of four knowledgeable panellists and a moderator. In this article we want to present the general viewContinue reading “Technology: blessing or curse? 1 question, 5 opinions!”

One wholesome response to the mental health crisis

Among many other crises (climate, care, housing) we also face a mental health crisis. While mental health cases and issues quickly rise, available support, staff and funding are in decline. According to Martin Price, vice president of Health Economics, Market Access and Reimbursement in Europe: “The OECD estimates that mental health disorders cost Europe overContinue reading “One wholesome response to the mental health crisis”

P-AGE / Intergenerational and Age-Friendly Community Platform

The P-AGE project (Pécs* Intergenerational and Age-Friendly Community Platform) has been launched through a partnership between the Hekate Conscious Ageing Foundation and the Pécs Community Foundation. For the first time in human history, 4-5 generations are living together on Earth. Europe has never had as many people over the age of 75 as it doesContinue reading “P-AGE / Intergenerational and Age-Friendly Community Platform”

UnfOlding / conscious ageing and conscious living in a digital society

To equip for conscious ageing and conscious living in a digital society The UnfOlding project has distinct focuses: Creating a dedicated community of adult learners from The Netherlands and Hungary, fostering ongoing dialogue, long-term community learning, and co-creating progressive community initiatives. Strengthening the strategic cooperation between Hekate Conscious Ageing Foundation and Jánoshida Municipality in promotingContinue reading “UnfOlding / conscious ageing and conscious living in a digital society”

Conscious Ageing Club – we kicked it off!

Celebration time: last week we successfully kicked off our Conscious Ageing Club with its first English speaking episode (after a couple of episodes in Hungarian)! It’s nice, isn’t it? You might wonder though what our Conscious Ageing Club is exactly, so let us tell you! During one of our projects, co-founded by the European Commission,Continue reading “Conscious Ageing Club – we kicked it off!”

Ageing consciously in a digital and AI driven world?

Our World is changing at an unexpected speed. Digital solutions are replacing services previously provided by humans. Many of us do banking, shopping, and working online. As a result, post offices, bank branches, and even pubs are closing down in many cases. Healthcare and elderly care are more and more digitalized. AI is now usedContinue reading “Ageing consciously in a digital and AI driven world?”

UnfOlding – We worden allemaal ouder

Een tweedaagse workshop in de LekPoort Vianen over ouder worden  We worden ouder dan ooit. En oud worden is toch een beetje een taboe onderwerp. Oud worden is enerzijds een heel mooi proces van groei en ‘becoming’ en anderzijds ook een proces van loslaten en verlies. We leven in een digitaal tijdperk, waarin we “meerContinue reading “UnfOlding – We worden allemaal ouder”

Digitális társadalom, mesterséges intelligencia, változó világ? Aki kimarad, lemarad?

Digitális társadalom, mesterséges intelligencia, változó világ? Aki kimarad, lemarad? *Áldás vagy átok a technológia?*Mit hoz az öregedő generációk számára?*Mire érdemes figyelni?*Mire érdemes felkészülni?*Mit érdemes elkerülni?*Hogyan készüljünk arra a világra, amit pár éven belül hoz el a mesterséges intelligencia elterjedése? Ilyen és hasonló kérdésekről beszélgetünk a Tudatos Öregedés Klubban. Beszégető társak:– Taliga Nóra, digitális wellbeing oktató/szakértő–Continue reading “Digitális társadalom, mesterséges intelligencia, változó világ? Aki kimarad, lemarad?”

Understanding Digital Wellbeing

This article has been adopted from and was written by Nóra Taliga, Digital Wellbeing Educator. Nóra is Hekate’s go to person when it comes to digital culture and spaces, tech-life balance and digital intelligence. Welcome to this great discovery of Digital Wellbeing! Although you might get some ideas about it, I bet you’re curiousContinue reading “Understanding Digital Wellbeing”